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Build your dream home, step 9: Structural warranty/PCC

Build your dream home - structural warranty

If you are building or converting residential properties to sell then it will be necessary to take out a Structural Warranty or obtain a PCC.

Lenders will generally only lend on a newly built (or newly converted) property where the property is covered by a warranty scheme (for example, LABC warranty) or the Professional Consultant’s Certificate (PCC). The PCC is for use by professional consultants when designing and/or monitoring the construction or conversion of residential buildings.

It is also worth noting that if you are building/converting your new home to live in with no intention of selling it is still strongly advisable to take out a Structural Warranty or obtain a PCC as your circumstances may change.

Build your dream home, step 8: Building regulations approval
Build your dream home, step 10: Selecting a building contractor