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10 step guide to building your dream home APS Architeture North Cornwall

Your 10 step guide to building your dream home

Step 1: Legal matters Step 2: Selecting an architectural designer Step 3: Budget Step 4: Your requirements Step 5: Other professionals Step 6: Maintenance and running costs Step 7: Planning consent Step 8: Building regulations Step 9: Structural warranty / PCC… Read More

10 step guide to building your dream home - legal matters - APS Architecture North Cornwall

Build your dream home, step 1: Legal matters

It is common place for covenants to be part of Title Deeds/Land Registry documents. Some covenants are included within Title Deeds to restrict development and the impact on neighbouring properties. It is important that you check these documents for any such restrictions. If in doubt, you should liaise… Read More

10 step guide to building your dream home - selecting architectural designer - APS Architecture North Cornwall

Build your dream home, step 2: Selecting an architectural designer

Selecting an Architect/Architectural Designer will be governed by many factors. These factors may be as follows: Does your Designer fit into your required budget Does your Designer offer the services you require for the project? Is your Designer going to be sympathetic to your… Read More

10 step guide to building your dream home - your budget - APS Architecture North Cornwall

Build your dream home, step 3: Budget

A very important factor of the design process is deciding the budget. A clear indication of budget given to the Architectural Designer can prevent future misunderstandings and unnecessary amendments to the proposal. Budgets for construction projects help determine what is affordable and should be set as early as possible. Read More

Build your dream home - your requirements

Build your dream home, step 4: Your requirements

This can often be termed as the Brief and should be worked up alongside your Architectural Designer. However, it is advisable to carefully consider your requirements prior to the initial meeting with the designer so the meeting can be as constructive as possible. Knowing what you want is… Read More